Provide your lab with ready-to-use quality controls for beta-hydroxybutyrate
Beta-hydroxybutyrate 21
Tri-level controls
Intended use
Assayed quality control material is for monitoring the performance of quantitative in vitro determination of beta-hydroxybutyrate procedures on photometric systems.
Beta-hydroxybutyrate 21 Tri-Level Controls is a set of three different levels of liquid-stable, ready to use control sera comprising low, medium and high measured amounts of beta-hydroxybutyrate in buffer. Controls are used to evaluate the assay performance of beta-hydroxybutyrate procedures. Targeted values and ranges of the controls can be found in the package insert.
Proper storage and handling of this product must be observed. Do not freeze. Protect from light. Contamination must be avoided. Recap the vials after each use and store tightly closed at 2 – 8°C. Discard controls if contamination, turbidity or any change in appearance occurs.
Unopened vials: Until the end of expiry date on label.
Opened vials: Up to 60 days.
Order information
Cat. No.: 595709943085
Kit size
β-Hydroxybutyrate 21 Low Control 2 x 4 mL
β-Hydroxybutyrate 21 Medium Control 2 x 4 mL
β-Hydroxybutyrate 21 High Control 2 x 4 mL