What Does A High Level Of Beta-hydroxybutyrate Mean?

Beta-hydroxybutyrate a ketone body that is predominantly present in those suffering from DKA, severe diabetic ketoacidosis. For those with type 1 diabetes, as well as type 2 diabetes, testing for this ketone is critical. A serum ketone test can determine the level of this ketone in the bloodstream. While ketones in general are not harmful, [...]

What Does A High Level Of Beta-hydroxybutyrate Mean?2019-02-06T10:24:11-06:00

What Is Beta-Hydroxybutyrate And How Does It Help With DKA?

What Is Beta-Hydroxybutyrate And How Does It Help With DKA? For those diagnosed with type 1 and type 2 diabetes, understanding DKA or diabetic ketoacidosis and its risks is important. If you have diabetes, it is also important that you understand beta-hydroxybutyrate and how it can help you in managing your diabetes and avoiding issues [...]

What Is Beta-Hydroxybutyrate And How Does It Help With DKA?2019-02-06T18:39:26-06:00
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