Monitoring B-hydroxybutyrate Levels

Blood sugar monitoring and diabetes go hand in hand. In order to manage diabetes, it is important that patients monitor their blood glucose levels in order to determine if and when insulin is needed. Monitoring in diabetes also includes b-hydroxybutyrate levels. These ketones, while not technically dangerous in the average person, can mean a serious [...]

Monitoring B-hydroxybutyrate Levels2019-02-28T17:42:27-06:00

What Does It Mean If You Are Ketotic?

The term ketotic refers to those who are in ketosis. While ketosis itself is not harmful in normal people, it can be life-threatening in those who have type 1 or even type 2 diabetes. If you have been diagnosed with diabetes, your physician has likely covered this information with you, including your need to monitor [...]

What Does It Mean If You Are Ketotic?2019-02-20T17:53:04-06:00

How Dangerous Is Diabetic Ketoacidosis?

Diabetic ketoacidosis or DKA is a complication in those who have been diagnosed with diabetes. This condition can present itself in those diagnosed with type 2 diabetes, but is more common in patients who have type 1 diabetes. The condition occurs when there is not enough insulin in the body, which causes a difficulty in [...]

How Dangerous Is Diabetic Ketoacidosis?2019-02-14T21:24:52-06:00

What Does A High Level Of Beta-hydroxybutyrate Mean?

Beta-hydroxybutyrate a ketone body that is predominantly present in those suffering from DKA, severe diabetic ketoacidosis. For those with type 1 diabetes, as well as type 2 diabetes, testing for this ketone is critical. A serum ketone test can determine the level of this ketone in the bloodstream. While ketones in general are not harmful, [...]

What Does A High Level Of Beta-hydroxybutyrate Mean?2019-02-06T10:24:11-06:00

What Is Beta-Hydroxybutyrate And How Does It Help With DKA?

What Is Beta-Hydroxybutyrate And How Does It Help With DKA? For those diagnosed with type 1 and type 2 diabetes, understanding DKA or diabetic ketoacidosis and its risks is important. If you have diabetes, it is also important that you understand beta-hydroxybutyrate and how it can help you in managing your diabetes and avoiding issues [...]

What Is Beta-Hydroxybutyrate And How Does It Help With DKA?2019-02-06T18:39:26-06:00
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